Combatting the Rise of Syphilis Through State Communication Campaigns

Monday, June 24, 2024 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM   Eastern Standard Time

Join ASTHO for a webinar focused on the development and implementation of state communication campaigns to address the rising syphilis epidemic. In partnership with Trillium and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, ASTHO has been working closely with states and jurisdictions to develop a foundational blueprint for a comprehensive syphilis prevention campaign. State and local partners include Arizona, Idaho, Michigan, New York, and local stakeholders including cities, counties, and tribes from each state.

The foundation for the campaign includes detailed plans alongside drafted messaging and creative concepts tailored for testing. Historically, communication campaigns play an important role in addressing public health epidemics. This webinar will explore previous syphilis campaigns, the audience targeted in each presenting jurisdiction, and an overview of four communication blueprints.


  • Joanna Barbour, CCPH, Partner, Trillium 
  • Patrick Cook, MA, Senior Social Marketing Specialist, Trillium 
  • Meagan Surgenor, MHA, STI Control Initiatives Manager, Bureau of Infectious Disease and Services, Arizona Department of Health Services   
  • Lindsay Haskell, MS, Health Program Specialist, HIV, STI and Hepatitis Section, Division of Public Health, Idaho Department of Health and Welfare 
  • Karen Lightheart, MS, STI Interventions Unit Manager, Bureau of HIV and STI Programs, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services 
  • Beth DeLeon-Stevens, MA, Associate Director, Office of Sexual Health and Epidemiology, AIDS Institute, New York State Department of Health 

    After this webinar, attendees will be able to:

    -Understand the development process, implementation strategies, and targeted communities for each of the state syphilis campaign blueprints
    -Describe important factors to consider when designing a syphilis campaign in your own jurisdiction


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